Saturday, June 17, 2017

Alright teacher friends, it's about that time again! The end of the school year. Your brain is scrambling with so many thoughts...

First of all, how did this year fly by, yet again?!
Are my students ready?
How is it time for report cards already?? The fourth quarter JUST started!
Must plan the end of the year party...student gifts...parent volunteer thank-yous...next year's welcome letter...

I could keep going but I think I'll stop because I can feel my stress-level rising just typing this.

Among these responsibilities also comes packing up for next school year. And this whole thing has me thinking. Every year I say, "Next year I'm going to be more organized." "Next year I'll have all of my intervention activities prepped in August." "Next year, next year, next year. Well next year comes (always faster than I thought it would) and with all of the other beginning of the year responsibilities, I never get it done. Come the following June, I'm saying it again. Next year.... Well, no more for this teacher!

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